I just finished Play..lets call it ‘SRWZ’ about a week ago, and i have mixed feelings about this game. I wont go and write a full review, however i’ll just express some thoughts about this game. Usually i get really excited playing a new SRW and i get tons of fun out of it, but… Continue reading Does Super Robot Taisen Z live up to my expectations?
Category: Gundam
Justice Vector challenge complete!
Yayy finally completed the Vector drawing of Meteor Justice, and i quite like it myself ^^. Im gonna print a REALLY BIG print out of it at work because its vector i can go to as big as the universe takes it =P Im pretty satisfied with this master copy because the lines blend it… Continue reading Justice Vector challenge complete!
Back, and working on something new!
Howdy, Its been a while since i last blogged…haha do i have to start off with this sentence everytime i make a new entry? i dont hope so. Well anyway, i’ve been pretty busy at work lately, and havent really had much time doing my own stuff, but life should be balanced, too much work… Continue reading Back, and working on something new!
Is it true that nothing beats the original?
If there was only 1gundam model that i want, it would have to be the “MSA-0011 [Ext] EX-S Sentinel Gundam” Hey its time to learn a little bit more about Jacky =). I’ll Refer it as EX-S. EX-S from memory is probably the first Gundam that i truly loved, the first that got me into… Continue reading Is it true that nothing beats the original?
Vector robot of Alteisen
Few weeks ago, i started doing a Vector version of my favourite robot – PTX Alteisen, dont know about it? i’ll tell you more later on, hehe. Well what i did was, i found a low res image of Alteisen and decided to challenge myself and make it vector, so pretty much it was a… Continue reading Vector robot of Alteisen