I think im starting to believe in black fridays, because today cannot have gotten any worse ~~”. hmm ok heres my depressing story: After work, i normally walk to Artarmon train station to catch the train. But today, i decided to walk to St Leonards to pick up an MX since i wasnt in a… Continue reading Black friday…indeed
blog is almost up and running
Those of you who happened to stumble accross this blog, congratulations for finding out, because i have not officially announced it yet =P. Boy having this blog really makes things alot easier, i dont have to open up dreamweaver and edit my index page, attaching and uploading pictures etc. But it wasnt all that easy… Continue reading blog is almost up and running
Cosplay photoshoot
Today my one piece cosplay crew had a little reunion and (half of us) decided to dress up once more for a photoshoot at some strange park. Emily and Ray found this park but at that time they didnt know it actually costs 7 dollars to park inside! oh man…there goes 7 dollars parking ><.… Continue reading Cosplay photoshoot
My Graduation
Yayyy, i finally graduated! this means, no more tests, no more study, lectures, tutorials, and of course no more assignments!……actually, i couldve said this 6 months ago =P. As unimportant as it may sound, graduation does mean alot to me. Its probably the last time everyone in BDM will get together in one place (not… Continue reading My Graduation
Blog coming Soon
Coming Soon. Stay tuned!